Bike Forums is a sausage fest of extreme proportions. Often times, dudes will post a question for their girlfriends. These posts say things like "My girlfriend's bike [instert bike problem]. What should I do?" or "My girlfriend is thinking about getting a new bike, I told her to get the [insert entry level bike] but now I'm wondering if she would be more comfortable on a [insert other entry level bike], or if I should build something for her with [insert bike parts]."
OMFG!11!!!one!1!!1!!! Why cannot the girlfriends post these questions themselves?!
I ranted about this on BF, and got a reply from one of the female moderators saying that:
"Given the way certain males reply to females on certain forums, I think their boyfriends are being very kind to help them out ... I think most of the women who do post and participate are tougher than average; that is, we can give as good as we get. But you know, even I just leave threads sometimes after it becomes clear that I'm not welcome because I don't have a sausage."Apparently some females won't even register or post because they feel so threatened by the guys on the forums and "operate on the idea that they are just not wanted." To make these pathetic girls feel more welcome, Bike Forums has a Women's Forum, which I checked out after I got that message from the mod. Holy crap is it the lamest thing ever. First of all, most* of the people posting have names like "FlowerPetal" or "LollyBlossom."** More importantly, they don't even talk about bikes! The most popular thread on the forum is the "Internet Dating" one. Last week I had a date with a dude from teh interwebz, so I decided to post on it. One comment later and this is what shows up: "My boyfriend is visiting for the weekend, so I doubt you'll see any posts from me. Gotta test out my new tubal and make sure the doc did what he was supposed to. ;-)" WTF?!?! That is not even about internet dating, let alone bikes!
GRRRR. And then when I post an actual gender-specific bike question only two people reply.
Conclusion: girls are lame.
*ok, not most, but those are the ones that stand out
**names have been changed to protect the identities of those involved