Thursday, March 1, 2007


as promised:

Hipster-Bashing, courtesy of David Brooks (The New York Times, 2/25/07): "Mosh Pit Meets Sandbox," a pointed commentary on hipster parents. What I appreciated about this bashing was his casual language, which successfully pointed out the absurdity of the hipster parent movement by turning their own terminology against them. What I most liked, though, was simply the fact that he identified their pseudo-mainstream badges of indie courage publicly in the Times, a publication that no doubt these people and their frenemies (and enemies) all read with a shared level of respect. (And which only publishes this kind of freewheeling banter about 25% of the time, usually in the dying-to-be-noticed* society pages of the Style section).

Male-Bashing, courtesy of me:
Asshole cheated on me. WTF?

*Unfortunately, these pages are too often actually noticed.
Also, between reading this column and today's Brooks piece, I think I can now call myself a fan of his writing [style].

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