Thursday, May 17, 2007

David Brooks makes me...

horny. No wait, it's PMS that does that. David Brooks makes me...not hate conservatives?
Whatever he makes me do, I think I like it.
It's not that I agree with him. Most of the time I don't. It's his writing. He writes with conviction, in a conversational style that would make any liberal want to actually finish one of his columns. His casual style is a rarity in the New York Times, which, even though rivaled by Maureen Dowd and Frank Rich, comes across as more credible thanks to his ability to convince readers that he actually believes what he's writing (unlike Dowd, who, under the guise of feminism, writes to satisfy a gender-specific agenda that probably only exists in her head, or Rich, who sacrificed his socio-political commentaries formerly published in the Arts section to snub the current administration on a weekly basis in the Opinion section*).

*Of course, I'm all for snubbing the Bush administration, but Rich's insistence on doing so in the same way every week got old a long time ago. He harked back to his previous ways a last month with "Everybody Hates Don Imus" (April 15, 2007), in which he artfully combined his liberal stance with his own experience and the current state of the mass media in a way he hasn't done since leaving the Arts section. I liked.

Over the next few weeks [David Brooks will] detail some policies that might go into [the] human capital agenda [he outlined in today's column, "A Human Capital Agenda"].
I can't wait!

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