Sunday, July 18, 2010

Opportunities for Kristin Chenoweth to Sing

...which I didn't expect "Pushing Daisies" to have. But there she was, singing "Hopelessly Devoted to You" from Grease (among other things).

Besides the show being a forum for Kristin Chenoweth's voice (and her boobs), it also looks like one ridiculously large dye destruction print. Along with other quirky aspects, such as the show's use of alliteration, the locationless setting, and the use of pristine old cars in what is seemingly a modern time period, the the show's trademark visual style is one of vivid, supersaturated colors that, while achieved with a blue screen on the show, are reminiscent of the photographic dye destruction (aka Cibachrome, aka Ilfochrome) process for printing color images from slides.

Sandy Skoglund is famous for her dye destruction prints of elaborately produced sets featuring repetitious sculptures arranged in monochromatic spaces. Such images include Revenge of the Goldfish and Radioactive Cats, reproduced below (do click on the images to see them in their entirety):
Which we can compare these to a [most likely computer generated] promotional shot for "Pushing Daisies:"or, to compare a more monochromatic shot, this one of "Pushing Daisies's" Anna Friel:
While that is more than enough photos to make my point, here's one more, from William Eggleston (from Southern Suite, 1981), one my favorite photographers. Though he does not often use the dye destruction process, here we see the dye transfer process he prefers, which, while not achieving the same saturation levels as dye destruction, does offer a wider color gamut than any other color photo process:

I miss the darkroom.

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