Monday, July 16, 2007

People and Places I Like

I like David Brooks. But if you've read this blog, you know that.
I like Australia. And Big Sky and cool people, and even Mandy Moore.

And now for some blogs:
  • BikeSnobNYC takes a cynical, critical look at bike culture. Mean. But amusing to the point where you can't stop reading it.
  • IndustryOutsider is Brian's blog. Brian is a Bike Forums moderator who is cool. He lives where I want to live and thought I was tall. He also thought that I should post a photo on my blog because "Any women that sleeps with a Surly should have a photo." This implies that sleeping with a Surly is an intriguing quality guys should be attracted to. Unfortunately, I have not found that to be the case. You would think in a culture where guys outnumber girls more than 2 to 1, I could get a date. OK, this has turned into me ranting about dudes. I'll stop so you can read Brian's blog. He writes about cool shit, some of which is about bikes and some of which is not. Kinda like me.

1 comment:

Lenore said...

Bikesnob teased Dane!